TAOM [Taomee] 6-K: (Original Filing)
[Taomee Explains Failure to File Form 20-F on a Timely Basis As set forth in the Companys Form 12B-25 filed on April 29, 2016, the Company is currently seeking to cause the Merger to be effected as soon as possible, but a definitive closing date has not yet been fixed. Meanwhile, the Company is preparing its Form 20-F and would] [Form 6-K TAOMEE HOLDINGS LIMITED 16/F, Building No. A-2, No. 1528 Gumei Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200233, Peoples Republic of China +86 (21) 6128-0056 Form 20-F x o o o TAOMEE HOLDINGS LIMITED Form 6-K Description]