LEDS [SemiLEDs] DEF 14A: (Original Filing)
[CONTENTS CORPORATE INFORMATION 1 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 2 5 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7 cORPORATE INFORMATION Independent Auditor Deloitte & Touche Legal counsel Morrison & Foerster LLP Palo Alto office 755 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 USA Maples and Calder P.O. Box 309 Ugland House Grand Cay]
[CONTENTS CORPORATE INFORMATION 1 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 2 5 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7 cORPORATE INFORMATION Independent Auditor Deloitte & Touche Legal counsel Morrison & Foerster LLP Palo Alto office 755 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 USA Maples and Calder P.O. Box 309 Ugland House Grand Cay]
[] [Harney Westwood & Riegels LLP 3rd Floor, 1 Pemberton Row London EC4A 3BG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 3752 3600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 3752 3695 6 August 2020 BY EMAIL rachel.graham@harneys.com +44 (0) 20 3752 3604 039181.0062.RAG ReneSola Ltd 3rd Floor, 850 Canal St Stamford, CT 06902 Dear Sir or Mad]
[ReneSola Ltd August 7, 2020 Via EDGAR Transmission Re: ReneSola Ltd Ladies and Gentlemen: Rule 461 Company In accordance with Rule 461 of Regulation C (“ If there is any change in the acceleration request set forth above, the Company will promptly notify you of the change, in which case the Company ]