EJ [E-HOUSE (CHINA)] F-4/A: (Original Filing)
[Amendment No. 4 to FORM F-4 REGISTRATION STATEMENT E-HOUSE (CHINA) HOLDINGS LIMITED N/A Cayman Islands 6531 N/A 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) Law Debenture Corporate Services Inc. (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service) Copies of all communications to: Z. Julie Gao, Esq. David Roberts, Esq. Lee Edwards, Esq. Brian Wheeler, Esq.] [March 21, 2012 Matter No.:876464 Doc Ref: 797232(v1) 852 2842 9511 David.Lamb@conyersdill.com E-House (China) Holdings Limited 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) No. 333 North Chengdu Road Shanghai 200041 Peoples Republic of China Dear Sirs, E-House (China) Holdings Limited ( the Company) Shares Prospectus American Depositary Shares representing ordinary shares of the Company (the Registration Statement Commission Securities Act Form] [SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE FIRM/AFFILIATE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 OFFICES TEL: (213) 687-5000 BOSTON FAX: (213) 687-5600 CHICAGO www.skadden.com HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WILMINGTON BEIJING] [FANGDA PARTNERS 上海 Shanghai · 北京 Beijing · 深圳 Shenzhen http://www.fangdalaw.com 中国上海市南京西路 1515 号 电子邮件 E-mail: email@fangdalaw.com 嘉里中心 20 楼 电 话 Tel.: 86-21-2208-1166 邮政编码: 200040 传 真 Fax: 86-21-5298-5577 文 号 Ref.: 11CF0385 20/F, Kerry Center]