SGOC [SGOCO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[SGOCO Group, Ltd. Announces 2016 Unaudited Interim Financial Results Hong Kong, December 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- SGOCO Group, Ltd. (SGOC) ("SGOCO" or the "Company"), a company focused on product design, distribution, and brand development in the display and computer product market in China as well ]

SGOC [SGOCO] 6-K: SGOCO Group, Ltd. Announces 2016 Unaudited Interim Financial

[SGOCO Group, Ltd. Announces 2016 Unaudited Interim Financial Results Hong Kong, December 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- SGOCO Group, Ltd. (SGOC) ("SGOCO" or the "Company"), a company focused on product design, distribution, and brand development in the display and computer product market in China as well ]

SGOC [SGOCO] F-3/A: (Original Filing)

[] [Conyers Dill & Pearman BERMUDA Cricket Square BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS PO Box 2681 CAYMAN ISLANDS Grand Cayman KY1-1111 DUBAI Cayman Islands HONG KONG Tel: +1 (345) 945 3901 LONDON Fax: +1 (345) 945 3902 MAURITIUS SINGAPORE 2016 December 23, Matter No.:823442 Doc Ref:102878353 +852 ]


[] [Conyers Dill & Pearman BERMUDA Cricket Square BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS PO Box 2681 CAYMAN ISLANDS Grand Cayman KY1-1111 DUBAI Cayman Islands HONG KONG Tel: +1 (345) 945 3901 LONDON Fax: +1 (345) 945 3902 MAURITIUS SINGAPORE 17 October 2016 Matter No.:823442 Doc Ref:102878353 +852 28]

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