SPU [SkyPeople Fruit Juice] 8-K: (Original Filing)

[September 23, 2016 Office of the Chief Accountant 100 F Street N. E. Commissioners: During the period from April 12, 2016, the date of our appointment as the Company’s independent registered public accountants, through September 19, 2016, the date of our resignation, there were no disagreements between us and the Company regarding accounting principles that we need to make reference] []

SPU [SkyPeople Fruit Juice] 8-K: September 23, 2016 Office of the Chief Accountant

[September 23, 2016 Office of the Chief Accountant 100 F Street N. E. Commissioners: During the period from April 12, 2016, the date of our appointment as the Company’s independent registered public accountants, through September 19, 2016, the date of our resignation, there were no disagreements between us and the Company regarding accounting principles that we need to make reference] []

ALN [American Lorain] SC 13D: Certain Information Regarding Directors and Executive Officers of

[Certain Information Regarding Directors and Executive Officers of Directors and Executive Officers DEG-Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH („DEG“): Name Management/ Board Principal Business Address Name of Employer Principal Occupation Citizenship Executive Board of DEG Bruno Wenn Management Board DEG Kämmergasse 22 50676 Köln Germany DEG Managing Director and Chairman of the Management Board German Philipp Kreutz Management Board DEG Kämmergasse] [Joint Filing Agreement [ th DEG-DeutscheInvestitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Lothar Lammers Guido Reckmann Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Dr. Michael Schenk Axel Kaufmann] [POWER OF ATTORNEY Vollmacht äteren Datum schriftlich übertragen wurde. Die Vollmacht erlischt erst, wenn sie durch die Vollmachtgeberin schriftlich widerrufen wird oder wenn die Vollmacht einer anderen Vollmachtnehmerin durch die Vollmachtgeberin zu einem sp Diese Vollmacht unterliegt deutschem Recht. Ort, Datum, Unterschrift der Vertreter der Vollmachtgeberin Ort, Datum, Unterschrift des Vertreters der Vollmachtnehmerin The power of attorney will terminate if] [DEG-Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH („DEG“) 2. Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of a Group ¨ (a) x (b) 3. SEC Use Only 4. Source of Funds OO 5. ¨ 6. Citizenship or Place of Organization Germany Number Beneficially Owned Person With: 7. Sole Voting Power by DEG 10,794,066]

ALN [American Lorain] 8-K: American Lorain in Discussions with Shengrong Environmental Protection

[American Lorain in Discussions with Shengrong Environmental Protection Regarding Potential Transaction LINYI, China, Sept. 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ - American Lorain Corporation (NYSE MKT: ALN) ("ALN") today announced that it is in discussions with Shengrong Environmental Protection Holding Company Limited ("Shengrong"), the indirect parent company of Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protection Energy-Saving and Technology Co. Ltd. ("Hubei Shengrong"), a registered company in] [FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): September 9, 2016 AMERICAN LORAIN CORPORATION Nevada 001-34449 87-0430320 (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification of incorporation or organization) Number) Beihuan Road Junan County Shandong, China 276600 (Zip Code) (86) 539-7317959 Not Applicable 1 Item 8.01 Other Events Number Description 99.1 Press Release issued September 9, 2016]

ALN [American Lorain] 8-K: (Original Filing)

[American Lorain in Discussions with Shengrong Environmental Protection Regarding Potential Transaction LINYI, China, Sept. 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ - American Lorain Corporation (NYSE MKT: ALN) ("ALN") today announced that it is in discussions with Shengrong Environmental Protection Holding Company Limited ("Shengrong"), the indirect parent company of Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protection Energy-Saving and Technology Co. Ltd. ("Hubei Shengrong"), a registered company in] [FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): September 9, 2016 AMERICAN LORAIN CORPORATION Nevada 001-34449 87-0430320 (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification of incorporation or organization) Number) Beihuan Road Junan County Shandong, China 276600 (Zip Code) (86) 539-7317959 Not Applicable 1 Item 8.01 Other Events Number Description 99.1 Press Release issued September 9, 2016]

ALN [American Lorain] 8-K: (Original Filing)

[FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): August 25, 2016 AMERICAN LORAIN CORPORATION Nevada 001-34449 87-0430320 (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification of incorporation or organization) Number) Beihuan Road Junan County Shandong, China 276600 (Zip Code) (86) 539-7317959 Not Applicable 1 Item 5.02. Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of]

ALN [American Lorain] 8-K: FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date

[FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): August 25, 2016 AMERICAN LORAIN CORPORATION Nevada 001-34449 87-0430320 (State or other jurisdiction (I.R.S. Employer Identification of incorporation or organization) Number) Beihuan Road Junan County Shandong, China 276600 (Zip Code) (86) 539-7317959 Not Applicable 1 Item 5.02. Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of]

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