EVK [Ever-Glory International,] 8-K: (Original Filing)
[A04ntract of Maximum Amount of Claim No. A04000010070700005 Party A: Bank of Nanjing Party B: Golden Way Nanjing Garment In order to ensure Party A has its claim paid by Party B to the maximum amount, and to clarify the domain of credit of the guaranty of maximum amount, Party A and Party B have] [Ec1ntract of Guaranty of Maximum Amount No. Ec1000010070700002 Creditor (Party A): Bank of Nanjing Surety (Party B): Jiangsu Ever-Glory Internationalrporation In order to ensure the performance of thentract of Maximum Amount of Claim numbered A04 000010070700005, which wasncluded between Party A and Golden Way Nanjing Garment (hereinafterlled the Debtor), andlecific businessntracts,reements, and applications under thisntract] [Contract of Mortgage of Maximum Amount No. Ec2000010070700005 Mortgagee (Party A): Bank of Nanjing Mortgagor (Party B): Golden Way Nanjing Garment In order to ensure the performance of thentract of Maximum Amount of Claim numbered A04000010070700005, which wasncluded between Party A and Golden Way Nanjing Garment (hereinafterlled the Debtor), andlecific businessntracts,reements, and applications under thisntract]