CHNR [CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES] 6-K: CONTACT Yue Ming Wai Bonaventure, Chief Financial Officer
[CONTACT Yue Ming Wai Bonaventure, Chief Financial Officer 011-852-2810-7205 or CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES REGAINS COMPLIANCE WITH NASDAQ REQUIREMENTS HONG KONG, APRIL 11, 2016 CHINA NATURAL RESOURCES, INC. (NASDAQ: CHNR), a company based in the People's Republic of China (the Company), today announced that, on April 6, 2016, it received written notice from the Listing Qualifications department of The] [Receipt of Nasdaq Compliance Notice On April 6, 2016, China Natural Resources, Inc. (the "Company") received written notice from the Listing Qualifications department of The Nasdaq Stock Market (the "Notice") stating that, based upon the closing bid price of the Companys common shares during a recent 10 consecutive business day measurement period, the Company has regained compliance with the $35]