TSM [TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING CO] 6-K: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. By Lora Ho

[Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. By Lora Ho Vice President & Chief Financial Officer 2015 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Oct 15, 2015 Agenda Elizabeth Sun 3Q15 Financial Results and 4Q15 Outlook Lora Ho Key Messages Mark Liu / C.C. Wei / Lora Ho Q&A]

By | 2016-03-12T13:33:21+00:00 October 16th, 2015|Categories: Chinese Stocks, TSM, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

KANG [iKang Healthcare] 6-K: Press Release Announcement of Changes to the Board

[Press Release Announcement of Changes to the Board of Directors BEIJING, Oct 15, 2015— Board of Directors of iKang Healthcare Group, Inc. (“iKang” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: KANG), announces the resignation of Mr. David Ying Zhang as an independent director and a member of the Compensation Committee of the Board. The Chairman and the Board would like to convey their] [FORM 6-K IKANG HEALTHCARE GROUP, INC. B-6F, Shimao Tower 92A Jianguo Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 People’s Republic of China Form 20-F x Form 40-F o o o IKANG HEALTHCARE GROUP, INC.]

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Page 1.1 Announcement regarding discloseable transaction in relation to the disposal of telecommunications towers and related assets, dated October 14, 2015. A-1 • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business prospects; • the expected benefit of any acquisitions or other strategic]

SPU [SkyPeople Fruit Juice] 8-K: (Original Filing)

[SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT is dated as of October 16, 2015 (the “Agreement”) and is entered into by and between SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc., a Florida corporation (the “Company” or the "Seller") and SkyPeople International Holdings Group Limited, a Cayman Islands Company (the “Buyer”). RECITALS WHEREAS WHEREAS, WHEREAS WITNESSETH NOW THEREFORE Share Purchase SECTION 1. Adjustment of] [For more information, please contact: COMPANY INVESTOR RELATIONS Xin Ma, Chief Financial Officer David Rudnick, Account Manager SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. Precept Investor Relations LLC Tel: China + 86 - 29-8837-7161 Tel: US +1 917-864-8849 oliver.x.ma@skypeoplefruitjuice.com Email: david.rudnick@preceptir.com Email: http://www.skypeoplefruitjuice.com Web: SkyPeople Fruit Juice Announces Cancellation of Related Party Loan in Sale of Stock to SkyPeople CEO SPU News XI'AN,] []

CHA [CHINA TELECOM] 6-K: Page 1.1 Announcement regarding discloseable transaction in relation

[Page 1.1 Announcement regarding discloseable transaction in relation to the disposal of telecommunications towers and related assets, dated October 14, 2015. A-1 • our business and operating strategies and our ability to successfully execute these strategies; • our network expansion and capital expenditure plans; • our operations and business prospects; • the expected benefit of any acquisitions or other strategic]


[SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT is dated as of October 16, 2015 (the “Agreement”) and is entered into by and between SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc., a Florida corporation (the “Company” or the "Seller") and SkyPeople International Holdings Group Limited, a Cayman Islands Company (the “Buyer”). RECITALS WHEREAS WHEREAS, WHEREAS WITNESSETH NOW THEREFORE Share Purchase SECTION 1. Adjustment of] [For more information, please contact: COMPANY INVESTOR RELATIONS Xin Ma, Chief Financial Officer David Rudnick, Account Manager SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. Precept Investor Relations LLC Tel: China + 86 - 29-8837-7161 Tel: US +1 917-864-8849 oliver.x.ma@skypeoplefruitjuice.com Email: david.rudnick@preceptir.com Email: http://www.skypeoplefruitjuice.com Web: SkyPeople Fruit Juice Announces Cancellation of Related Party Loan in Sale of Stock to SkyPeople CEO SPU News XI'AN,] []

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