CHT [CHUNGHWA TELECOM CO] 6-K: The Board approved the appointment of two senior
[The Board approved the appointment of two senior managers Date of events: 2015/08/11 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2015/08/11 2. 3. Relationship to the Company (please enter head office or subsidiaries): head office 4. Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N.A. 5. Name of the reporting media: N.A. 6. Content of the report: N.A. 7. Cause of occurrence: The 12th] [The Board resolves to change the head of R&D Date of events: 2015/08/11 Contents: 1. Type of personnel changed (please enter: spokesperson, acting spokesperson, important personnel (CEO, COO, CMO, CSO, etc.), financial officer, accounting officer, research and development officer, or internal audit officer): research and development officer 2. Date of occurrence of the change: 2015/08/11 3. Name, title, and resume] [The Board resolves to donate to the related party Date of events: 2015/08/11 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2015/08/11 2. The reason for the donation: The Company donates health measurement equipment for U-Life health stations to support the Taipei City Government in promoting public health self-management policy. 3. The total amount of the donation: NT$ 300,000 4.] [To announce the differences between the Q2 2015 financial statements under Taiwan-IFRSs and under IFRSs Date of events: 2015/08/12 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2015/08/12 2. Cause of occurrence: To announce the differences between the second quarter of 2015 financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by ROC (Taiwan-IFRSs) and under International Financial Reporting Standards] [The Company to participate in investor conference held by Nomura Date of events: 2015/08/17 Contents: 1. Date of the investor conference: 2015/08/26 2. Time of the investor conference: 9:00AM 3. Location of the investor conference: Taipei 4. Brief information disclosed in the investor conference: The conference will be held by Nomura 5. The presentation of the investor conference release:] [The Company to participate in investor conference held by Sinopac Date of events: 2015/09/02 Contents: 1. Date of the investor conference: 2015/09/08 2. Time of the investor conference: 9:00 a.m. 3. Location of the investor conference: Kuala Lumpur 4. Brief information disclosed in the investor conference: The conference will be held by Sinopac 5. The presentation of the investor] [The Company to participate in investor conference held by CLSA Date of events: 2015/09/07 Contents: 1. Date of the investor conference: 2015/09/17~2015/09/18 2. Time of the investor conference: 8:30 a.m. 3. Location of the investor conference: Hong Kong 4. Brief information disclosed in the investor conference: The conference will be held by CLSA 5. The presentation of the investor] [Chunghwa Telecom announces its operating results for August 2015 Date of events: 2015/09/10 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2015/09/10 2. 3. Relationship to the Company (please enter head office or subsidiaries): head office 4. Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N.A. 5. Name of the reporting media: N.A. 6. Content of the report: N.A. 7. Cause of occurrence: Chunghwa Telecoms] [Chunghwa Telecom September 10, 2015 This is to report the changes or status of 1) Sales volume 2) Funds lent to other parties 3) Endorsements and guarantees 4) Financial derivative transactions for the period of Aug 2015 1) Sales volume (NT$ Thousand) Period Items 2015 2014 Changes Aug Net sales 18,808,323 18,563,811 (+)244,512 (+)1.32%] [FORM 6-K September 11, 2015 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Room 110, Finance Department of Headquarters, 21-3 Hsinyi Road, Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan x x n/a Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Bo Yung Chen Bo Yung Chen Chief Financial Officer Description 99.1 Announcement on 2015/08/11 : The Board approved the appointment of two senior managers 99.2 Announcement on 2015/08/11 :]