[ITEM 1. REPORTS TO STOCKHOLDERS. This report, including the financial statements herein, is sent to the stockholders of the Fund for their information. It is not a prospectus, circular or representation intended for use in the purchase or sale of shares of the Fund or of any securities mentioned in this report. Semi-Annual Report June 30, 2015 (Unaudited) Objectives 1] [CERTIFICATIONS I, Simon Crinage, President of the JPMorgan China Region Fund, Inc., certify that: 1. 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect] [I, Simon Crinage, certify that: 1. 2. Simon Crinage September 3, 2015 I, Neil S. Martin, certify that: 1. 2. Neil S. Martin Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer of the JPMorgan China Region Fund, Inc. September 3, 2015]