CHL [CHINA MOBILE] 6-K: (Original Filing)
[Number 1.1 2014 Announcement of Annual Results, dated March 19, 2015 A-1 2.1 Announcement in Relation to Resignation of Director, dated March 19, 2015]
[Number 1.1 2014 Announcement of Annual Results, dated March 19, 2015 A-1 2.1 Announcement in Relation to Resignation of Director, dated March 19, 2015]
[Number 1.1 2014 Announcement of Annual Results, dated March 19, 2015 A-1 2.1 Announcement in Relation to Resignation of Director, dated March 19, 2015]
[Note o x Yes Not applicable]
[Note o x Yes Not applicable]
[Note o x Yes Not applicable]