HIHO [HIGHWAY] EFFECT: .FormData {color: blue; background-color: white; font-size: small; font-family:

[.FormData {color: blue; background-color: white; font-size: small; font-family: Times, serif} .SmallFormData {color: blue; background-color: white; font-size: x-small; font-family: Times, serif} .FootnoteData {color: green; background-color: white; font-size: x-small; font-family: Times, serif} .FormText {font-size: x-small; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif} .SmallFormText {font-size: xx-small; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif} .FormTitle {font-size: medium; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold} .FormName {font-size: large; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;]

By | 2016-03-31T05:33:13+00:00 September 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HIHO, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

CHT [CHUNGHWA TELECOM CO] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[The Board approved the appointment of two senior managers Date of events: 2014/08/12 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/08/12 2. 3. Relationship to the Company (please enter “head office” or “subsidiaries”): head office 4. Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N.A. 5. Name of the reporting media: N.A. 6. Content of the report: N.A. 7. Cause of occurrence: The 8th] [To announce the differences of the Q2 2014 financial statements between under Taiwan-IFRSs and under IFRSs Date of events: 2014/08/13 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/08/13 2. Cause of occurrence: To announce the differences of the Q2 2014 financial statements between under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by ROC (Taiwan-IFRSs) and International Financial Reporting Standards as] [The amendment of Annual Report 2013 Date of events: 2014/08/13 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/08/13 3. Relationship to the Company (please enter “head office” or “subsidiaries”): head office 4. Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N.A. 5. Name of the reporting media: N.A. 6. Content of the report: N.A. 7. Cause of occurrence: To amend the Annual Report 2013] [The Company participates in an investors conference Date of events: 2014/09/03 Contents: 1. Date of the investor conference: 2014/09/15~2014/09/16 2. Time of the investor conference: 8:30AM 3. Location of the investor conference: Hong Kong 4. Brief information disclosed in the investor conference: The conference will be held by CLSA 5. http://newmops.tse.com.tw/ The presentation of the investor conference release: Please refer] [The Company participates in an investors conference Date of events: 2014/09/03 Contents: 1. Date of the investor conference: 2014/09/11 2. Time of the investor conference: 9:00AM 3. Location of the investor conference: Taipei 4. Brief information disclosed in the investor conference: The conference will be held by Credit Suisse 5. http://newmops.tse.com.tw/ The presentation of the investor conference release: Please refer] [To announce the Company’s August 2014 revenues Date of events: 2014/09/10 Contents: 1. Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/09/10 2. 3. Relationship to the Company (please enter “head office” or “subsidiaries”): head office 4. Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N.A. 5. Name of the reporting media: N.A. 6. Content of the report: N.A. 7. Cause of occurrence: Chunghwa Telecom today announced] [Chunghwa Telecom September 10, 2014 This is to report the changes or status of 1) Sales volume 2) Funds lent to other parties 3) Endorsements and guarantees 4) Financial derivative transactions for the period of Aug 2014 1) Sales volume (NT$ Thousand) Period Items 2014 2013 Changes % Aug Net sales 18,563,811 19,099,879 (-)536,068 (-)2.81 % Jan-Aug Net sales 147,829,005] [Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Bo Yung Chen Chief Financial Officer 2 Description Announcement on 2014/08/12 : The Board approved the appointment of two senior managers Announcement on 2014/08/13 : To announce the differences of the Q2 2014 financial statements between under Taiwan-IFRSs and under IFRSs Announcement on 2014/08/13 : The amendment of Annual Report 2013 Announcement on 2014/09/03 : The]

By | 2016-03-15T12:23:06+00:00 September 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, CHT, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HSOL [Hanwha Q CELLS] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Hanwha SolarOne Signs Its Second 50 MW Module Supply Agreement with Baotou Shansheng New Energy Co., Ltd. SHANGHAI, September 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ Hanwha SolarOne Co. Ltd. (the “Company”, or “Hanwha SolarOne”), a top-10 global photovoltaic manufacturer of high-quality, cost-competitive solar modules, today announced it has signed its second supply agreement with Baotou Shansheng New Energy Co., Ltd. for delivery of] [HANWHA SOLARONE CO., LTD 6-K 1 d787288d6k.htm FORM 6-K]

By | 2016-04-03T01:55:27+00:00 September 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HSOL, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments


[ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD. By S. J. Cheng Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Contacts: In Taiwan Dr. S.K. Chen ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD. +886-6-507-7712 s.k._chen@chipmos.com In the U.S. David Pasquale]

By | 2016-03-17T15:08:37+00:00 September 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, IMOS, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

HSOL [Hanwha Q CELLS] 6-K: Hanwha SolarOne Signs Its Second 50 MW Module

[Hanwha SolarOne Signs Its Second 50 MW Module Supply Agreement with Baotou Shansheng New Energy Co., Ltd. SHANGHAI, September 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ Hanwha SolarOne Co. Ltd. (the “Company”, or “Hanwha SolarOne”), a top-10 global photovoltaic manufacturer of high-quality, cost-competitive solar modules, today announced it has signed its second supply agreement with Baotou Shansheng New Energy Co., Ltd. for delivery of] [HANWHA SOLARONE CO., LTD 6-K 1 d787288d6k.htm FORM 6-K]

By | 2016-04-03T01:56:19+00:00 September 10th, 2014|Categories: Chinese Stocks, HSOL, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

VNET [21Vianet] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[21Vianet Announces US$100 Million Share Repurchase Program BEIJING, Sept. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 21Vianet Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:VNET) (“21Vianet” or the “Company”), the largest carrier-neutral Internet data center services provider in China, today announced that its board of directors has authorized a US$100 million share repurchase program. 21Vianet’s board of directors will review the share repurchase program periodically, and may] [21Vianet Group, Inc. By : : Shang-Wen Hsiao : Chief Financial Officer 6-K 1 d785843d6k.htm FORM 6-K]

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