FENG [Phoenix New Media] SC 13G/A: Page 2 of 5 CUSIP No. 71910C103
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[July 9, 2013 VIA EDGAR CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Jonathan Wiggins Staff Accountant Division of Corporation Finance 100 F Street, NE Re: Melco Crown Entertainment Limited Form 20-F for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 Filed April 18, 2013 File No. 1-33178 Dear Mr. Wiggins: We refer to the Staffs letter of June 27, 2013 relating to the annual report on]
[July 9, 2013 VIA EDGAR CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Jonathan Wiggins Staff Accountant Division of Corporation Finance 100 F Street, NE Re: Melco Crown Entertainment Limited Form 20-F for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2012 Filed April 18, 2013 File No. 1-33178 Dear Mr. Wiggins: We refer to the Staffs letter of June 27, 2013 relating to the annual report on]
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[For further information contact: Rob Hilburger Blizzard Entertainment rhilburger@blizzard.com Roger Sun (+86) 21-3133 0700 rsun@blizzard.com Cassia Curran NetEase,Inc. cassia@corp.netease.com Tel: (+86) 571-8985-2076 Brandi Piacente (+1) 212-481-2050 brandi@corp.netease.com BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT AND NETEASE,INC. TO BRING HEARTHSTONE : HEROES OF WARCRAFT TO MAINLAND CHINA Deceptively simple, insanely fun free-to-play strategy card game from the creators of Warcraft]
[SINOPEC SHANGHAI PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED Form 6-K 3 Announcement of the Result of Voting on Share Reform at the Meeting of Relevant Shareholders on A-Share Market 4]
[For further information contact: Rob Hilburger Blizzard Entertainment rhilburger@blizzard.com Roger Sun (+86) 21-3133 0700 rsun@blizzard.com Cassia Curran NetEase,Inc. cassia@corp.netease.com Tel: (+86) 571-8985-2076 Brandi Piacente (+1) 212-481-2050 brandi@corp.netease.com BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT AND NETEASE,INC. TO BRING HEARTHSTONE : HEROES OF WARCRAFT TO MAINLAND CHINA Deceptively simple, insanely fun free-to-play strategy card game from the creators of Warcraft]
[SINOPEC SHANGHAI PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED Form 6-K 3 Announcement of the Result of Voting on Share Reform at the Meeting of Relevant Shareholders on A-Share Market 4]
[1 Announcement dated July 8, 2013 in respect of Issue of Super & Short-Term Commercial Paper.]