AMCF [Andatee China Marine Fuel Services] 8-K: Andatee China Marine Fuel Announces that its Special

[Andatee China Marine Fuel Announces that its Special Committee Appoints Independent Financial Advisors DALIAN, Liaoning Province, China, March 21, 2012—Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation (NASDAQ: AMCF) (“Andatee” or “the Company”) The independent financial advisor will assist the Special Committee in evaluating the previously disclosed proposal from An Fengbin, Chief Executive Officer of the Company, to acquire all of the] [FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): March 21, 2012 Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation Delaware 001-34608 80-0445030 (State or Other Jurisdiction (Commission (I.R.S. Employer of Incorporation) Identification No.) Dalian Ganjingzi District, Dalian Wan Lijiacun Unit C, No. 68 West Binhai Road, Xigang District Dalian People’s Republic of China 011 (86411) 8360 4683 N/A]

CGA [China Green Agriculture] D: (Original Filing)

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By | 2016-03-19T00:37:29+00:00 March 21st, 2012|Categories: CGA, Chinese Stocks, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

EJ [E-HOUSE (CHINA)] F-4/A: (Original Filing)

[Amendment No. 4 to FORM F-4 REGISTRATION STATEMENT E-HOUSE (CHINA) HOLDINGS LIMITED N/A Cayman Islands 6531 N/A 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) Law Debenture Corporate Services Inc. (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of agent for service) Copies of all communications to: Z. Julie Gao, Esq. David Roberts, Esq. Lee Edwards, Esq. Brian Wheeler, Esq.] [March 21, 2012 Matter No.:876464 Doc Ref: 797232(v1) 852 2842 9511 E-House (China) Holdings Limited 17/F, Merchandise Harvest Building (East) No. 333 North Chengdu Road Shanghai 200041 People’s Republic of China Dear Sirs, E-House (China) Holdings Limited ( the “Company”) Shares Prospectus American Depositary Shares representing ordinary shares of the Company (the “ Registration Statement Commission Securities Act Form] [SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE FIRM/AFFILIATE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 OFFICES TEL: (213) 687-5000 BOSTON FAX: (213) 687-5600 CHICAGO HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WILMINGTON BEIJING] [FANGDA PARTNERS 上海 Shanghai · 北京 Beijing · 深圳 Shenzhen 中国上海市南京西路 1515 号 电子邮件 E-mail: 嘉里中心 20 楼 电 话 Tel.: 86-21-2208-1166 邮政编码: 200040 传 真 Fax: 86-21-5298-5577 文 号 Ref.: 11CF0385 20/F, Kerry Center]

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