SOL [ReneSola] 6-K: (Original Filing)
[ReneSola Announces Results of 2011 Annual General Meeting JIASHAN, China, September 13, 2011 – 1. the Company’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, together with the reports of the auditors thereon; and 2. the re-election of Mr. Xianshou Li as a director of the Company, who is retiring by rotation and offering himself for re-election in accordance] [RENESOLA LTD No. 8 Baoqun Road, YaoZhuang Jiashan, Zhejiang 314117 People’s Republic of China x ¨ Form 20-F ¨ x Yes N/A 82- RENESOLA LTD Xianshou Li Xianshou Li Chief Executive Officer]