ZNH [CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES CO] 6-K: By order of the Board China Southern Airlines
[By order of the Board China Southern Airlines Company Limited Xie Bing and Liu Wei Joint Company Secretaries Guangzhou, the People’s Republic of China 6 September 2011 As at the date of this announcement, the Directors include Si Xian Min and Wang Quan Hua as non-executive Directors, Tan Wan Geng, Zhang Zi Fang, Xu Jie Bo and Chen Zhen You] [FORM 6-K September 6, 2011 CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED 278 Jichang Road Guangzhou, Guangdong 510405 People’s Republic of China x o Form 20-F. o x Yes Company http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110906/LTN20110906524.pdf China Southern Airlines Company Limited (the “ An English version of the announcement is included in this Form 6-K of the Company. CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED]