[EMPLOYMENTREEMENTreement Executivempany This EMPLOYMENTREEMENT (this WHEREAS, thempany desires to employ Executive its Chief Financial Officer on the terms andnditions set forth hereinafter, and Executive desires to be so employed; NOW, THEREFORE, INNSIDERATION of the foregoing facts, the mutualvenants andreementsntained herein and other good and valuablensideration, the parties herebyree follows:] [SERVICESREEMENT 16 This SERVICESREEMENT (thisreement),ted of April RECITALS: B.The Parties have previously entered into anreement setting forth the terms for the services of thensultant the Representative through March 31, 2010. C.At the request of thempany, thensultant hasntinued to provide services to thempany the Representative since April 1, 2010, and the Parties now desire to memorialize] [SKYSTAR BIO-PHARMACEUTICALMPANY RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDREEMENT This Restricted Stock Awardreementreementmpany Grantee Innsideration of thevenants herein set forth, the parties heretoree follows: Stock Award Information. 1. (a)te of Award: April 16, 2010 (b) Grantee: Cramer (c) Number of Shares: 10,000 (d)] [SKYSTAR APPOINTS NEW CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Michael H. Lan to Become Permanent CFO XI'AN, CHINA April 19, 2010 -ystar Bio-Pharmaceuticalmpany (NASDAQ:SKBI) ("Skystar" or the "Company"), Mr. Lan hasvanced knowledge of U.S. GAAP and financial reporting requirements and has held internal financialntrol and audit positions with Silganntainersrporation and Gileadiences.Immediately prior to joiningystar, Mr. Lan was founder]

By | 2016-02-05T04:25:59+00:00 April 19th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, SEC Original, SKBI|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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