DQ [DAQO NEW ENERGY] F-1/A: (Original Filing)

[CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE Title of each class of securities to be registered (1)(2) Amount to be (1) Proposed maximum (1)(2) Proposed maximum Amount of Ordinary Shares, par value $0.0001 per share (3) 44,850,000 $2.42 $108,387,500 $7,728.03 (4) (1) Estimated solely for the purpose of determining the amount of registration fee in accordance with Rule 457(a) under the Securities Act] [KADDEN RPS LATE EAGHER LOM LLP S 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 __________ TEL: (213) 687-5000 FAX: (213) 687-5600 www.skadden.com FIRM/AFFILIATE OFFICES __________ BOSTON CHICAGO HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, D.C. WILMINGTON __________ BEIJING BRUSSELS FRANKFURT HONG KONG LONDON MOSCOW MUNICH PARIS SÃO PAULO SHANGHAI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO VIENNA January 20, 2010 Daqo] [UN E AW FFICES J China Resources Building, 20th Floor Beijing 100005, P. R. China Tel.: (86-10) 8519-1300 Fax: (86-10) 8519-1350 E-mail: junhebj@junhe.com Homepage: www.junhe.com To: Daqo New Energy Corp. Dear Sirs, PRC We are lawyers qualified in the People’s Republic of China (the “ Company Registration Statement SEC Prospectus ADSs We are acting as the PRC counsel to Daqo] [Loan Contract (in RMB) China Construction Bank Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 5 Contract No.: Capital construction loan Type of Loan: Daqo New Materials Co., Ltd. The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Post code: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal): 58820788 Fax: 58820766 Tel: Wanzhou Branch The Lender (Party B): China Construction Bank, No.86 Gaosuntang, Wanzhou District,] [Loan Contract (in RMB) China Construction Bank Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 19 Contract No.: Capital construction loan Type of Loan: Daqo New Materials Co., Ltd. The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Post code: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal): 64866688 Fax: 64866606 Tel: Wanzhou Branch The Lender (Party B): China Construction Bank, No.86 Gaosuntang, Wanzhou District,] [Reference No: CBC Syndicate Medium-to-long Term (2009)08 August 28, 2009 Chongqing Daqo New Energy Co., Ltd. As the Borrower China Construction Bank, Chongqing Branch As the Lead Manager China Construction Bank, Wanzhou Branch As the Agent Bank and China Construction Bank, Wanzhou Branch and China Merchants Bank, Chongqing Jiangbei Sub-branch As the Lenders Medium-to-Long Term Syndicated Loan Agreement of RMB537,500,000] [Supplemental Agreement to the Medium-to-Long Term Syndicated Loan Agreement This Supplemental Agreement is entered into as of December 10, 2009 by and among: (1) Chongqing Daqo New Energy Sources Co., Ltd., a company duly organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered address at XianJia Village, Longdu Neighborhood, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, China, as] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010 EX-23.1 8 dex231.htm CONSENT OF DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU CPA LTD.]

By | 2016-03-02T10:02:18+00:00 January 20th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, DQ, SEC Original|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments


[CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE Title of each class of securities to be registered (1)(2) Amount to be (1) Proposed maximum (1)(2) Proposed maximum Amount of Ordinary Shares, par value $0.0001 per share (3) 44,850,000 $2.42 $108,387,500 $7,728.03 (4) (1) Estimated solely for the purpose of determining the amount of registration fee in accordance with Rule 457(a) under the Securities Act] [KADDEN RPS LATE EAGHER LOM LLP S 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071-3144 __________ TEL: (213) 687-5000 FAX: (213) 687-5600 www.skadden.com FIRM/AFFILIATE OFFICES __________ BOSTON CHICAGO HOUSTON NEW YORK PALO ALTO SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, D.C. WILMINGTON __________ BEIJING BRUSSELS FRANKFURT HONG KONG LONDON MOSCOW MUNICH PARIS SÃO PAULO SHANGHAI SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO VIENNA January 20, 2010 Daqo] [UN E AW FFICES J China Resources Building, 20th Floor Beijing 100005, P. R. China Tel.: (86-10) 8519-1300 Fax: (86-10) 8519-1350 E-mail: junhebj@junhe.com Homepage: www.junhe.com To: Daqo New Energy Corp. Dear Sirs, PRC We are lawyers qualified in the People’s Republic of China (the “ Company Registration Statement SEC Prospectus ADSs We are acting as the PRC counsel to Daqo] [Loan Contract (in RMB) China Construction Bank Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 5 Contract No.: Capital construction loan Type of Loan: Daqo New Materials Co., Ltd. The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Post code: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal): 58820788 Fax: 58820766 Tel: Wanzhou Branch The Lender (Party B): China Construction Bank, No.86 Gaosuntang, Wanzhou District,] [Loan Contract (in RMB) China Construction Bank Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 19 Contract No.: Capital construction loan Type of Loan: Daqo New Materials Co., Ltd. The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Post code: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal): 64866688 Fax: 64866606 Tel: Wanzhou Branch The Lender (Party B): China Construction Bank, No.86 Gaosuntang, Wanzhou District,] [Reference No: CBC Syndicate Medium-to-long Term (2009)08 August 28, 2009 Chongqing Daqo New Energy Co., Ltd. As the Borrower China Construction Bank, Chongqing Branch As the Lead Manager China Construction Bank, Wanzhou Branch As the Agent Bank and China Construction Bank, Wanzhou Branch and China Merchants Bank, Chongqing Jiangbei Sub-branch As the Lenders Medium-to-Long Term Syndicated Loan Agreement of RMB537,500,000] [Supplemental Agreement to the Medium-to-Long Term Syndicated Loan Agreement This Supplemental Agreement is entered into as of December 10, 2009 by and among: (1) Chongqing Daqo New Energy Sources Co., Ltd., a company duly organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered address at XianJia Village, Longdu Neighborhood, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, China, as] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010 EX-23.1 8 dex231.htm CONSENT OF DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU CPA LTD.]

By | 2016-03-02T10:04:02+00:00 January 20th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, DQ, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments


[CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE Title of each class of securities to be registered Amount to be Proposedmaximum Proposedmaximum Amountof Ordinary Shares, par value $0.0001 per share (3) 44,850,000 $2.42 $108,387,500 $7,728.03 STYLE="vertical-align:baseline; position:relative; bottom:.8ex">(4) (1) Estimated solely for the purpose of determining the amount of registration fee in accordance with Rule 457(a) under the Securities] [KADDEN RPS LATE EAGHER LOM S 300 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">LOS ANGELES,LIFORNIA 90071-3144 __________ TEL: (213) 687-5000 FAX: (213) 687-5600 SIZE="2">www.skadden.com FIRM/AFFILIATE OFFICES __________ BOSTON CHICAGO SIZE="2">HOUSTON NEW YORK STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">PALOTONFRANCISCO WASHINGTON,D.C. WILMINGTON __________ BEIJING SIZE="2">BRUSSELS FRANKFURT STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">HONG KONG] [UN E AW FFICES J China Resources Building, 20th Floor Beijing 100005, P. R. China SIZE="2">Tel.: (86-10) 8519-1300 Fax: (86-10) 8519-1350 E-mail: junhebj@junhe.com Homepage: www.junhe.com To:qo New Energyrp. Dear Sirs, We are lawyers qualified in the Peoples Republic of China (thempany Registration Statement SEC ProspectusSs STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">We are acting theunsel toqo New Energyrp.] [STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Loanntract (in RMB) Chinanstruction Bank SIZE="2"> Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 5ntract No.:pitalnstruction loan STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Type of Loan:qo New Materials The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Postde: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal):] [STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Loanntract (in RMB) Chinanstruction Bank SIZE="2"> Chongqing Branch 2008 (1270) 19ntract No.:pitalnstruction loan STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Type of Loan:qo New Materials The Borrower (Party A): Wanzhou Industry Park, Chongqing, China Domicile: 404000 Postde: Xu Guangfu Legal representative (principal):] [STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Reference No: CBC Syndicate Medium-to-long Term (2009)08 August28, 2009 STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">Chongqingqo New Energy the Borrower Chinanstruction Bank, Chongqing Branch STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">As the Lead Manager Chinanstruction Bank, Wanzhou Branch theent Bank SIZE="2">and Chinanstruction Bank, Wanzhou Branch] [STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2"> Supplementalreement to the Medium-to-Long Term Syndicated Loanreement STYLE="font-family:Times New Roman" SIZE="2">This Supplementalreement is entered into of December10, 2009 by and among: SIZE="2">(1) Chongqingqo New Energy Sources ampany duly organized and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China with its registereddress at XianJia Village, Longdu Neighborhood, Wanzhou District, Chongqing,] [CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010NSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Shanghai, China January 20, 2010NSENT OF DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU CPA dex231.htm 8 EX-23.1]

By | 2016-02-06T19:02:16+00:00 January 20th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, DQ, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

SVA [SINOVAC BIOTECH] 6-K: (Original Filing)

[Equity Joint Venture Contract for the establishment of Sinovac (Dalian) Vaccine Technology Co., Ltd. i Table of Contents Chapter I The Parties 1 Chapter II Establishment of Joint Venture 1 Chapter III Purpose, Business Scope and Size 2 Chapter IV Aggregate Investment and Registered Capital 2 Chapter V Contribution Proportion and Deadline of the Parties 2 Chapter VI Responsibilities of] [MEMORANDUM This Memorandum is made on 22 November 2009: BETWEEN: 1. Dalian Jingang Group Co., Ltd. , with its legal address at No. 59, Liaohe Middle Road, Dalian 2. Sinovac Biotech (Hong Kong) Ltd. , a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter] [EQUITY INTEREST TRANSFER AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DALIAN JINGANG GROUP CO., LTD. AND SINOVAC (HONG KONG) BIOTECH LTD. IN RESPECT OF 25% EQUITY INTEREST OF December 17, 2009 This Agreement is made on BETWEEN: 1. Dalian Jingang Group Co., Ltd., a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as] [Sinovac Announces Recent Developments BEIJING, January 20, 2010 — Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SVA) (“Sinovac” or the “Company”), a leading China-based vaccine manufacturer, today announced the following recent developments. Dalian Joint Venture Acquisition of Buildings and Land Sinovac is in advanced negotiations for the acquisition of buildings, land use rights and utility facilities for a total consideration of approximately RMB120] [01 - 32371 SINOVAC BIOTECH LTD. No. 39 Shangdi Xi Road Haidian District Beijing 100085, People’s Republic of China Form 20-F x Form 40-F o o o Incorporation by Reference 2]

By | 2016-03-24T03:29:29+00:00 January 20th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, SEC Original, SVA|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

SVA [SINOVAC BIOTECH] 6-K: Equity Joint Venture Contract for the establishment of

[Equity Joint Venture Contract for the establishment of Sinovac (Dalian) Vaccine Technology Co., Ltd. i Table of Contents Chapter I The Parties 1 Chapter II Establishment of Joint Venture 1 Chapter III Purpose, Business Scope and Size 2 Chapter IV Aggregate Investment and Registered Capital 2 Chapter V Contribution Proportion and Deadline of the Parties 2 Chapter VI Responsibilities of] [MEMORANDUM This Memorandum is made on 22 November 2009: BETWEEN: 1. Dalian Jingang Group Co., Ltd. , with its legal address at No. 59, Liaohe Middle Road, Dalian 2. Sinovac Biotech (Hong Kong) Ltd. , a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter] [EQUITY INTEREST TRANSFER AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DALIAN JINGANG GROUP CO., LTD. AND SINOVAC (HONG KONG) BIOTECH LTD. IN RESPECT OF 25% EQUITY INTEREST OF December 17, 2009 This Agreement is made on BETWEEN: 1. Dalian Jingang Group Co., Ltd., a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as] [Sinovac Announces Recent Developments BEIJING, January 20, 2010 — Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SVA) (“Sinovac” or the “Company”), a leading China-based vaccine manufacturer, today announced the following recent developments. Dalian Joint Venture Acquisition of Buildings and Land Sinovac is in advanced negotiations for the acquisition of buildings, land use rights and utility facilities for a total consideration of approximately RMB120] [01 - 32371 SINOVAC BIOTECH LTD. No. 39 Shangdi Xi Road Haidian District Beijing 100085, People’s Republic of China Form 20-F x Form 40-F o o o Incorporation by Reference 2]

By | 2016-03-24T03:41:54+00:00 January 20th, 2010|Categories: Chinese Stocks, SVA, Webplus ver|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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