heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Vancouver announces new Overwatch League team called Titans, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 3 months ago
A second Canadian team has now officially joined the Overwatch League as the Vancouver Titans. The Titans unveiled their name and logo as part of a launch event on Saturday night. The Titans roster includes:Choi “JJANU” Hyeon-wooPark “Bumper” Sang-beomKim “SLIME” Sung-junLee “Twilight” Ju-seokKim “Haksal” Hyo-jongLee “Stich” Choong-huiLee ‘Hooreg” Dong-eunSeo Min-sooThe Titans are one of eight new teams joining the Overwatch League this year. To help adjust for these new teams, Blizzard is chang
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Washington Justice is the latest team to join the Overwatch League, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 3 months ago
Joining the likes of Toronto, Atlanta, Hangzhou and quite a few more, Washington, D.C. has joined the Overwatch League ahead of the 2019 season. The team name will be the Washington Justice and the organization will be represented by a shield bearing the red, white and blue of the American flag. The team will be coached by Kim “WizardHyeong” Hyeong-seok, who previously coached for NYXL, as well as Molly “AVALLA” Kim, who has previously coached in Contenders Korea, and analyst mkL, who has previo
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The Temple of Anubis could solve the mystery of Overwatch’s Echo, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 3 months ago
In the Reunion cinematic, we are introduced to Echo after McCree liberates her containment pod from the Deadlock Gang. There’s another possible origin for her that hasn’t been explored: the omnic bazaar on the Temple of Anubis map. The AI Anubis has little story, but it is already silhouetted in themes of advanced technology, A.I, omnics, and oddly enough — souls. Or perhaps knowing McCree and his ties to Overwatch, Echo has more history to her than meets the eye. The only other clue to work thr
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Cracking the curious case of Toronto Esports, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 3 months ago
Let’s dig into the factors behind Toronto Esports’ collapse, and what it could mean for Overwatch esports. Toronto Esports challenged the newly minted Toronto Defiant to an event to please local fans. Similar to the Valiant/Gladiators “Battle of LA,” Toronto Esports were hoping to create a “Battle of Toronto” between the League and Academy teams. The Gladiators’ Academy team picked up a Toronto Esports player with a cheeky message on Twitter, noting that they had “rescued” them from Toronto Espo
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Say hello to the Hangzhou Spark, the best brand in the Overwatch League, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
The Hangzhou Spark have joined the fray, and their branding is wonderful. We are Hangzhou Spark! ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧* pic.twitter.com/yq63oaseQw — Hangzhou Spark (@Hangzhou_Spark) November 15, 2018The Spark is owned by Bilibili, a Chinese video sharing company. Guxue made a splash at the Overwatch World Cup, where he showed that he was capable of playing with the best tanks in the League. Hangzhou is the third Chinese expansion team, joining Guangzhou and Chengdu.
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Meet the breakout Contenders stars from the Overwatch World Cup, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
Meet five of the best Contenders players from this year’s Overwatch World Cup. Mangachu is known as a projectile specialist, as demonstrated by his fantastic Pharah play in this year’s Overwatch World Cup. After his performance for Team China at the Overwatch World Cup 2018, it’s likely that guxue will be picked up by an Overwatch League team ahead of Season 2, as his Winston play was unparalleled this year. #1: Cameron “Fusions” BosworthCameron “Fusions” Bosworth is number one on this list due
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The next Overwatch major patch will require a full reinstall, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
Halloween Terror may be leaving Overwatch, but we just got some startling news: the next major patch will require a full re-install of the game. The next major patch will have some pretty fundamental changes to the game client. As a result, when the next patch comes out, the client will fully reinstall itself to handle these changes. The next major patch is likely going to include Ashe, our 29th hero. Overwatch is close to 30GB, so folk with data caps and metered connections will want to plan ah
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The Chengdu Hunters have revealed their logo, and stolen my heart, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
If you’ve been following the reveal of the Overwatch League’s expansion teams, there’s something you may have noticed. The Chengdu Hunters are breaking this expansion team trend, and are joining with colors of yellow and gold. The Chengdu Hunters persevere. #LetsGoHunt pic.twitter.com/f0kZFD1WBN — Chengdu Hunters (@ChengduHunters) November 12, 2018Not only do they have some pretty aesthetically pleasing colors, but they also have an amazing logo. We still don’t have a pink team, which is disappo
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, We played Ashe at BlizzCon — here’s our first impressions, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
Let’s get something out of the way immediately — Overwatch’s new hero, Ashe, is not an entry level character. It’s worth noting that her dynamite does a ton of burn damage, and will be her answer to barriers, but it’s not easy to detonate with a shot. The dynamite also damages Ashe, similar to Pharah’s splash damage, so if you’re making a Hail Mary melee play, you’re liable to burn yourself as well. The biggest vulnerability she has is when someone is directly in her face and her coach gun is de
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Ashe’s origin animation explains where she fits in the world of Overwatch, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
Today we met our next hero, Ashe, and she’s a firecracker of a lady. Ashe runs the Deadlock Gang, which is an important presence in the Overwatch universe that we haven’t really explored yet. They’re also where McCree comes from; the Deadlock Gang took him in until he was apprehended and inducted into Blackwatch. Now, the Deadlock Gang has a face. Once she met McCree, the two of them went on a crime spree.
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The Overwatch League has failed at transparency, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
The Overwatch League, at its finest, promises an experience that draws from the best of both traditional sports and esports. There’s certainly a market for his content, but it raises the question of the ecosystem around the Overwatch League. Herein lies the central conflict around the Overwatch League, the problem that has plagued the ecosystem since day one. So far, the Overwatch League has failed at giving us a look at these problems, and how they’re being solved. As we head into season two, t
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Off-season local events prove Overwatch’s regional bet is paying off, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
The event, hosted by the London Spitfire in an effort to connect with local fans, marked a homecoming for the League champions. And yet, as arbitrary as it may be, there’s no doubt that fans have latched on to their “local” teams. The Outlaws and the Spitfire are not the only teams to recognize the possibility of courting fan investment — and specifically local fans — during the Overwatch League’s off-season. On the same day as the Gilded Gala, the San Francisco Shock and the Los Angeles Valiant
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, A Route 66 change could be a hint for Overwatch’s next hero, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 4 months ago
Sometimes those payloads are grumpy directors who need to get to the studio to get their next film started. Sometimes the payload is a bunch of bombs disguised under money and pachimari, and we’re assisting in an assassination threat. With that in mind, it’s worth noting that the latest Overwatch PTR update changed the payload on another map: Route 66. The payload on Route 66 is a nuclear weapon. BlizzCon is coming up on Nov. 2, so it’s the perfect time for Blizzard to start hinting at a new her
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, McCree’s Wild West sensibilities make him Overwatch’s best hero, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
If you look at the BlizzCon 2018 banner, you’ll see a familiar face representing Overwatch: Jesse McCree, the former agent of Blackwatch turned anachronistic outlaw. Either way, the more I play Overwatch, the more I come to appreciate McCree. In some ways, he represents the best of Overwatch’s setting, and the potential best of the relaunched organization Overwatch in the game’s fictional world. Rough startsJesse McCree had it rough. Jesse McCree, the wonderful man that he is, lives a double lif
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Hero interactions aren’t enough to carry Overwatch’s lore, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
When you load into a lobby in Overwatch, you get to hear hero interactions where the characters on your team riff back and forth. These are really cute, and getting a bunch of them in bulk can be full of tantalizing clues and hints on where the lore is heading! The problem with lore interactions is two-fold:Some of these interactions aren’t even canon, they’re just an exploration of what characters would say to each other if they did meet. The game’s latest patch includes a really cute interacti
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Blizzard is selling Mei’s Levitating Snowball from the Rise and Shine short, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
The world of Overwatch is filled with all kinds of technological marvels. There’s also a floating snowball-robot that makes faces and is super cute, and it’s now available for pre-order in Blizzard’s store. Yep, the little floating robot from Mei’s Rise and Shine short can now be yours. The statue, called Levitating Snowball, is available for pre-order now and will be $175 USD. The floating snowball doesn’t exactly “do” anything, but it does make faces that periodically change and flash on its L
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, Halloween Terror returns to Overwatch on October 9, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
Halloween Terror is the spookiest Overwatch event around. Every year, we get new skins that range from cute costumes like Corsair Ana to full on monster transformations like Dragon Symmetra. pic.twitter.com/XK7W7e0SKA — Overwatch (@OverwatchEU) October 1, 2018Up until now, the Halloween Terror storyline has centered around a band of adventurers. Halloween Terror will also bring a new wave of legendary skins, priced at 3000 credits a piece. While, previous event skins and cosmetics will return at
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The current Overwatch meta marks a golden age for team compositions, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
The current Overwatch meta is in one of the healthiest places it’s been in awhile. Following the release of the game’s newest tank, Wrecking Ball, a series of changes were introduced that made every support hero viable. Wrecking BallWhile Sombra has been giving people fits due to her invisibility, Wrecking Ball has proved to be a useful frontline weapon in the right hands. Known as “Wrecking Ball Roulette,” this strategy can be particularly difficult to deal with if your composition isn’t ready
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The Seoul Dynasty is set to recovery, rally, and win in Season 2, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
If you’re into competitive Overwatch, then you’ll already know that Seoul Dynasty didn’t end up being the eponymous dynasty everybody expected them to be. As a Seoul Dynasty fan, I believe that the team can rally and recover — much like the Dallas Fuel did in Stage 4 — as we prepare to enter the League’s second season. On top of that, Seoul constantly benched top players in favour of players who hadn’t played together outside of practice scrims. However, the NYXL duo were playing in a meta that
heroesneverdie wrote a new post, The Valiant and the Shock will face off in the first ever Overwatch California Cup, on the site GoGame.com 6 years, 5 months ago
The Overwatch League may be deep into the off-season, but that doesn’t mean the teams aren’t eager to compete, as we saw on Friday when the Los Angeles Valiant and the San Francisco Shock announced the first ever Overwatch California Cup. The event is intended to be a home-and-home style skirmish event between these two California teams that each represent a different section of the state. Meanwhile, the northern half of the tournament will be hosted by the San Francisco Shock at the Esports Are
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