CBPO [China Biologic Products] 10-Q: (Original Filing)
[] [CERTIFICATIONS I, David (Xiaoying) Gao, certify that: 1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of China Biologic Products, Inc.; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such] [CERTIFICATIONS I, Ming Yang, certify that: 1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of China Biologic Products, Inc.; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements] [David (Xiaoying) Gao , the Chief Executive Officer of CHINA BIOLOGIC PRODUCTS, INC. (the “Company”), DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that: 1. September 30 , 201 3 2. 5 th day of November , 201 3 . David (Xiaoying) Gao Chief Executive Officer A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to China Biologic Products, Inc.] [Ming Yang , the Chief Financial Officer of CHINA BIOLOGIC PRODUCTS, INC. (the “Company”), DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that: 1. 3 2. 5 th day of November , 201 3 . Ming Yang Ming Yang Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial Officer) A signed original of this written statement required by Section 906 has been provided to China Biologic Products, Inc. and]